Dr. Robert Schachter

Licensed New York Psychologist NYC

Cognitive Therapy for Quick Results

Assistant Clinical Professor Mount Sinai School of Medicine

(212) 308-1666 Call Now

Service Areas

Cognitive Psychology Treatment for Depression

Cognitive treatment helps an individual to change their patterns of thought which will in turn change their emotional states.

Depression Help

Dr. Robert Schachter’s simple techniques can help you learn to identify the thoughts that trigger depression and learn to enjoy life again.

Panic and Stress Disorder

Call Dr. Robert Schachter has a very high success rating and is here to help you take back your life from the panic and stress which inhibits your wellbeing.

Panic Attack Treatment

Dr. Robert Schachter’s simple techniques can help you learn to identify the thoughts that cause anxiety and quickly gain skills that can help you relax even in the most stress situations.

Social Anxiety Help

When you have Social Anxiety and Shyness, every aspect of your life can be a challenge. Fear of meeting people socially, fear of being judged, not know what to say, all are very uncomfortable.

Social Anxiety Treatment

Social anxiety is an overarching term for a number of disorders. Most commonly it is associated with the fear of speaking with others but this is only a fraction of the concerns people with social anxiety face.